My other {World}... a {foreign} Word... or two
Years ago, {when I was a very young courageous, outspoken and brave girl} I ventured into the world of languages. Despite not having been mandated to learn a second language, I grew up in the era where a second language was a welcomed option to the every day academia offerred in the school curriculum. The language that I chose, is a language, that, then and even now, I find to be one of the most poetic and beautiful languages around. No it does not have the soft and melodic rhythmn of the romantic languages... but the lettering is visual poetry and the pronounciation is an oral delight. Mastering the language was a daily challenge that I looked forward with much zest & zeal. Always eager to learn a new word, phrase or thought in this amazing language has kept me fully engaged, even after all of these years. So since finding this simple but elegantly lettered alphabet book, I have been on the hunt in an attempt to purchase one. I have to have one {at least one} !!!. {oh yes, I am much, much older now...but I am still courageous, outspoken a brave}

Those are nice pictures, but you do not say which language this is from. Please let me know and maybe sometime when I feel better I will look up the book.
I would ask you if you would like to visit the Professor Humperdink website that is in my RSS feed and if you strike up a friendship with him then he might be able to help you find the book. He has a lot of knowledge that pertains to books and he is really nice. He is in England and so he might have a greater chance of finding it for you.
Anyway just a thought.
God bless and thank you for visiting.
Sorry for the tardy response.
The language is the Russian language. And I am going to tap into Prof Humperdink's info...I'll keep you posted as to whether we locate this great book...
Thanks for the info :-)
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